Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Posted by irnasofia at 6:27 PM 0 comments

"Sabar pun ada limit."

Kita dah terbiasa kan sebut ayat di atas. Kononnya kita dah banyak bersabar, tiba - tiba limit sabar kita dah habis. Tiba - tiba kita dah gelabah, katanya tahap sabarnya hilang.

Ikutkan konsep sabar tu, sabar itu tak akan pernah ada limit. Bila tahap 'sabar' anda sudah dilimitkan, maknanya, anda belum capai sabar yang ada cita - citakan tuu.

Memang sabar tu susah, sebab tu Allah higlightkan beberapa kali dalam Quran.

Oleh itu, sabarlah. Ingat, sabar takde limit !

Monday, April 8, 2013

Strangers. We Are.

Posted by irnasofia at 8:44 PM 0 comments

This post is not mean to harm anyone or anything. But, if it fits you, why not ?

Friendship problem.
Yes, we're strangers now. Seeing each other everyday, but we're strangers now. Being able to look on you, but no greetings or salam. Yes, we are strangers now.

I hate the fact that we're parting. But it was for good. If i'm going, at least  it wouldn't be so painful to leave you guys here.

Too much ache. Too much noise. Too much talk.

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